Take Me Out to the Ice Rink

Stella Partheniou Grasso
Illustrated by Paula J. Becker
ISBN: 978-1-4431-8254-6
32 pages ▪ 9" x 9"  ▪ paperback

What happens on the eve of the playoffs when the players are all in bed?

‘Twas the night before playoffs; the rink was pristine,
And the glimmering ice appeared simply serene.
The medals were polished, the ribbons were pressed.
The cup was all set to be claimed by the best.

The players were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of hockey pucks danced in their heads.
As the ref read his rule book, the linesmen slept tight,
And the coaches had just settled in for the night.

On a moonlit night while all the players are dreaming of hat tricks on the eve of the championship game animals from the outskirts of town have their own bit of fun. The fur starts flying when the Mountain Marauders take on the Woodland Warriors in this hockey-themed adaptation of the classic Christmas poem, “The Night Before Christmas.” Who will take home the laurels?

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